Courses currently taught
- Academic philosophical writing – Proseminar
- An introductory course to writing in an academic context
- Epistemology A – Tutorial
- A tutorial focused on reading classics in epistemology
- Logic B – Tutorial
- Part of a larger logic course, my part focusing on informal logic
- Philosophy 2 – Lecture
- An introductory course, covering philosophy in the last two centuries
- Philosophy (ZA) – Lecture
- An introductory course on philosophy, for part time students
All of these courses are taught in English. Class size ranges from 15 to 140 students. They are part of the programs of the Faculty of Philosophy and the Institute of English Philology at the University of Warsaw.
Courses taught in the past
- Logic – Tutorial
- A complete introductory course to logic, largely formal
Publications related to teaching
- “An Unlikely Source of (Absurd and Effective) Case Studies for Introductory Informal Logic,” Informal Logic, 40 (3).